Speaker: Carol Ferguson ...Polio Truths
As we approach World Polio Day on Oct 24th, we strive to rid the world of Polio. Presently only two countries , Afghanistan and Pakistan continue to see new cases. Surviving the initial diagnosis of polio would for most of us appear to be the end however it doesn't end there for those affected. Many suffer from Post Polio Syndrome many years later in life. Approximately 80% of survivors develop Post Polio Syndrome.. Essentially people with polio are attacked twice by the disease. Seriously, I had never heard of Post Polio Syndrome and I believe I am not alone. Please click this link to find out more https://www.papolionetwork.org/uploads/9/9/7/0/99704804/post-polio_letter.pdf.   The website of the PA Polio Survivors Network has a wealth of information and is well worth the read. https://www.papolionetwork.org/